In appearance, as one might expect, the Large Black breed is elegant with a large frame. They sport both solid black skin and hair. Large lop ears fall forward over their face, which impedes their sight but also protects their eyes during rooting and foraging. Having dark skin protects them from the sun, allowing them to do well in open pastures. They have a long back and belly, a deep and broad chest and strong straight legs. Their bodies are covered in straight black silky hair. English Large Blacks should have a straight underline with at least 12 evenly spaced teats, starting well forward.
So, just how large is large, you ask? From our experience, they can easily tip the scales at 700+ lbs. for both females and males alike. This breed is prone to obesity, which can decrease fertility and cause issues with cystic ovaries in the females. The size of jowls is a good indicator of obesity in this breed. It is important to monitor body condition and feed accordingly, consistently.
Of course it isn’t all about their looks! This unique breed has so much to offer in terms of personality. Known to be one of the most docile and friendly breeds of hogs alive today. Both the boars and sows should be inherently friendly. Always use caution around boars and mothering sows, but they are incredibly docile overall.
Known as the dog of the pig world, these amazing creatures can learn their name and will follow their owners around. They enjoy a good scratch and some hangout time. They move slowly, which research suggests is because of their large lop ears obstructing their vision. Relying on scent and hearing to navigate their surroundings, you’ll find they “freeze” when they hear you approach as they determine if you’re friend or foe. For this reason, it is always a good idea to speak to them as you arrive in their pen.
Can They Handle Our Canadian Climate?
Of course, we have a couple of things to consider in Canada when raising heritage swine. How are they in the hot summer and how are they in the brutal cold? What kind of food do they do best on? What set up do they need? The Large Black is hardy and handles the Canadian prairie winters quite well. Always offer shelter from the elements and provide them with deep bedding. They will cuddle together to stay warm throughout the cold winter nights. In the summer they require LOTS of water to both wallow and drink. They can overheat quite quickly during the hottest times of summer and need a large wallow to cool off and shade to rest in.
English Large Blacks are a true heritage breed with good foraging and grazing qualities. It is said that a fully grown sow can live almost entirely off of quality foraging and grazing, however, we strongly suggest supplementing with grains and minerals for optimal health. Supplying a good pasture of legumes and young growing vegetation helps achieve this. We are incredibly excited to learn more about raising with mostly pasture. A young grower is said to be able to be raised on 50% quality pasture. Their remaining feed is supplemented with grains. This ability to forage is fantastic for the self sufficient homesteader a a better end product pork. They are relatively easy on pastures for their size and are easily trained to electric fences. They have fantastic maternal qualities and can raise and wean large litters in a pasture setup.
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