About Us

Who is Hogs & Horns Homestead?

Hogs and Horns Homestead is a family-run, women-powered Canadian homestead in Central Alberta. Jen is a flight medic and farmer. Monica is a farmer 24-7. Us ladies run every aspect of the farm and, in addition, strive to preserve heritage breeds that are critically endangered. In doing so, we love that we can offer a window into our everyday passion for preserving endangered livestock. Our conservation journey on our Canadian homestead can be found on our HERE.

Our farming adventure started with a love for animals and a passion for raising our meat. During this process, we learned how close to extinction many heritage farming breeds are. We are working hard to increase numbers through ethical breeding and bloodline tracking while promoting awareness. Moving closer, one step at a time, to help save these unique breeds.

How our animals are raised is very important to us. We believe that though they may be destined to feed us, all animals should be respected regardless of how short their lives may be. These animals should be given the best life possible, regardless of how short their lives may be.

Our Focus

Our passion is pigs! We regularly get asked why pigs? We believe swine is one of the food industry’s most misunderstood animals. Typical pork is from indoor confinement farms. There is virtually no pasture pork available in Alberta grocery stores. The pork industry and regulations have been made for indoor confinement farming, and we would like to see this change. Pigs are incredibly smart and social creatures. We feel they deserve to be treated with the utmost respect and quality of life regardless of their purpose. Whether these animals are kept as pets, breeders or destined to sustain us, their humane treatment should be a top priority. We provide all of our pigs with enrichment activities and attention daily. In turn, this provides a less stressful environment. However, we don’t just raise pigs.

We also raise endangered heritage wool sheep. Our fibre flock has several breeds, but our primary focus is Jacob sheep. Our sheep are used for fibre, skulls, hides and meat. Beyond our primary herds of swine and sheep, you may find chickens and turkeys on the farm. Though these aren’t focus animals, we grow poultry over the summer for meat production.


Owner/Operator – Livestock Manager

Monica is the brains and labour behind the farm’s construction of animal shelters and fencing systems. Her days are filled with the daily chores of feeding, watering and monitoring the livestock. Beyond her regular roles on the farm, Monica works alongside Jen with animal health management and bloodline tracking. She is on call 24-7 for the care of the animals and is passionate about the livelihood of every animal on the property, whether big or small. When she’s not busy on the farm, Monica enjoys curling up on the couch with Arnold, her house pig, and watching Netflix.


Owner/Operator – Marketing & Sales / Animal Health

When she’s not devoting every other waking moment to the farm, Jen is a flight medic. Jen manages all marketing, sales and customer service. She also manages livestock health programs with the support of our excellent vets. Of course, she also works alongside Monica in the daily care of the animals. You can find her in the barn enjoying the company of her pigs and giving them all the back scratches they could ever dream of. In her spare time, Jen enjoys learning about fibre, hanging with the dogs and is an avid canner.