Farm-to-Table Meat
Pork | Lamb/Mutton | Turkey | Chicken
Alberta Raised – Family Raised
We offer chickens and heritage turkeys processed on the farm. They are only available by preorder at this time. We distinguish each breed of pork, showcasing its unique qualities. Hogs & Horns Homestead raises all our animals with care. Sheep and pigs are processed at an inspected local facility. Learn more about our farm-to-table meat products below.

We offer various quality, rare, heritage breeds, including Red Wattle, Mangalitsa, English Large Black, Meishan and Ossabaw Island Hog. These heritage breeds live outdoors and have access to forage whenever possible. With this combination, they produce delicious dark, rich meat. Each breed offers a unique flavour profile. These breeds are slow growing, which, as a result, aids in developing robust flavour. All of our pigs live their lives in an outdoor setting. Each pig is processed in a provincially inspected facility and is available as individual cuts and freezer boxes through our Farm-To-Table Meat program. Please contact us for custom, wholesale, and primal cut orders!
Orders are best placed through our order forms on the website but can also be placed by messaging us.

Our sheep are slow-growing heritage breeds and live a long, productive life in an outdoor setting, free to forage on pasture and supplemented with high-quality hay. We offer lamb and mutton. Each animal is born and raised on the farm. We raise them with respect for each step, right until the end. We aim to utilize the animal as much as possible, including working with the hides, skulls and fibre. Our sheep are processed in a provincially inspected facility and are available by individual cuts. Please contact us for custom, wholesale, and primal cut orders!

We offer a variety of poultry for meat, including Heritage Turkeys and Broiler Chickens, hybrids that quickly grow, creating juicy, softer meat with larger breasts than their heritage ancestors. Heritage poultry have slower growth rates, can live a long, productive life in an outdoor setting, and are breeds that originated before the mid-20th century. Hogs & Horns Homestead raises poultry on soy-free complete feed. All poultry is available whole and parted!Â

All animals offered through our on-farm-slaughter license for the purpose of meat are sold on the "hoof" with the service of on-farm-slaughter by Hogs & Horns Homestead, which includes dispatching and cleaning all animals by Hogs & Horns Homestead or a hired personnel. In addition, small animals such as poultry are parted (if requested) and packaged by Hogs & Horns Homestead. All meat from these animals comes UNINSPECTED, NOT FOR SALE or redistribution beyond the customer and their immediate household. Live animals for butcher are to be sold to one household only. If you have questions about this process in Alberta, feel free to reach out to us or learn more about the On-Farm-Slaughter License HERE!
Unless otherwise stated on ad our animals are processed in a provincially inspected facility in Alberta. All pork, and lamb/mutton are available by the cut, by the box, halves and wholes. For custom, wholesale and primal cut orders, please reach out.
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