Heritage Meat Packages

Our Heritage Meat Packages Offered:

At Hogs & Horns Homestead, we offer a selection of heritage meat packages for you to choose from, including heritage pork, heritage lamb/mutton and a combination of both.

Is All The Meat Offered In Our Packages Heritage Breeds?

Yes. At Hogs and Horns Homestead, that is what we are ALL about. Saving and preserving heritage breeds by farming them. We believe that heritage livestock breed conservation and diversity should be directly connected to food production. Combined with ethical practices of raising these heritage breeds in a more natural setting (outdoors vs. indoors), it is important both for the quality of life of the livestock and the nutritional value and flavour of the end product on our tables. Heritage breeds tend to grow slower. Combined with being raised outdoors and fed a soy-free diet, this creates a flavour profile unlike any commercial-raised meat.

Our Goals and Ambitions:

Hogs and Horns Homestead strives to protect and increase the number of endangered heritage breeds while educating about the differences in breeds and the importance of diversity. Connecting our customers to ethically raised heritage meats at whatever level you are ready to connect at.

What’s The Major Difference In Taste & Quality Of Our Meat?

As you delve into our breed-specific heritage pork, you’ll find subtle differences in flavour and texture between the breeds. Offering an experience to be remembered. Our pigs are grown out for 2-4 times the length of your typical Canadian grocery store pork. This, combined with a soy and corn-free diet and access to forage outside, creates a deep flavour and dark red pork. Levels of fat and marbling vary from breed to breed. Our lamb is grown slowly, with its primary diet being pasture/hay. Again, each breed offers unique, subtle flavour differences. Jacob lamb is known for its mild flavour.

How Do They Live?

Hogs & Horns Homestead raises all of our animals in an outdoor setting with access to pasture whenever possible, which allows them to live a life with plenty of exercise, fresh air, sunshine, pasture and the ability to forage. 

What’s their main diet?

They have access to forage on Alberta’s natural weeds, grasses and foliage. Our pigs are also offered high-quality soy- and corn-free custom feed with all the minerals and energy they need to live a healthy and productive life. Our sheep are primarily raised on pasture and local hay; however, they are offered some grains to supplement their energy needs.

How Are They Finished?

We raise and finish all of our animals on Hogs & Horns Homestead. Poultry is processed on our property. This helps minimize the stress they endure from transport and the processing plants. We process our poultry under our On-Farm Slaughter License on Hogs and Horns Homestead. Pigs and sheep are processed at a provincially (Alberta) inspected abattoir. In doing so, we can offer you the best cuts and custom meat choices in your heritage variety meat packages. Click HERE to learn more about the differences between inspected and un-inspected meat.

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