Heritage Pasture Lamb - Learn More

The Heritage Sheep Breeds We Raise:

At Hogs & Horns Homestead, we raise heritage pasture lamb. Our breeds include Jacob and Jacob x other heritage breeds such as Icelandic, Cotswold and Finn for meat, fibre, hides and horns. Each offers unique properties for the table and elsewhere. We chose these breeds because of their exceptional flavour, great temperaments, historical significance and conservation status. By farming these truly great breeds, we can offer you and your family a variety of pastured lamb and mutton.

Jacob Sheep:

Jacob sheep offer lean, tender meat. They are a small breed. Jacobs are fine-boned with a good meat-to-bone ratio. Their meat has an excellent mild flavour that is not too gamey.

Why Eat Lamb Meat?

Lamb meat has a very healthy nutrition profile. It’s known to contain a wide variety of essential nutrients and be known to be a rich source of high-quality protein. Sheep have a branched-chain fatty acid, which contributes to their more earthy flavour than beef.

Our Goals and Ambitions:

Hogs and Horns Homestead raises pure lines of Jacob sheep to work on their conservation efforts alongside providing delicious meat for your table. 

How Do They Live?

Hogs & Horns Homestead raising them in an outdoor pasture setting, in turn, allows our sheep to live a life with plenty of exercise, fresh air and sunshine. We ensure to shear all of our sheep yearly, so they remain comfortable in the summer months. They always have access to a shelter to escape the elements and remain comfortable throughout the seasons.

What’s their main diet?

Free-ranging on Alberta’s natural weeds, grasses and foliage. They are also offered a small amount of soy-free grains to meet their energy needs.

How Are They Finished?

We raise and finish all of our sheep on Hogs & Horns Homestead. They are processed at a provincially inspected abattoir, allowing us to offer amazing individual cuts.

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