Our Swine Sounders
Registered Large Blacks
Critically Endangered
They are known as the dogs of the pig world. These gentle giants are known for their docile temperaments and giant size. Large Blacks reach mature weights between 400 and 650 pounds but can get up to 800 pounds. They are hardy, great foragers and grazers, making them most suited to alternative setups such as a pasture-based system. For these reasons, an English Large Black is an excellent option for any homestead. Their meat is known to offer lean quality flavour without excess back fat.
Purebred Ossabaw Island Hogs
Critically Endangered Worldwide
Ossabaw Island Hogs are highly intelligent, friendly, hardy, and great foragers. Their long snouts make for great rototilling, which is beneficial for moving to and from areas needing to be cleared. They’re a smaller breed, reaching 150-250 pounds mature weights. They are long-legged and short-bodied with dark meat. Ossabaw Island Hogs were isolated for many years, thus, they are genetically unique. They are primarily in North America and are at high risk of extinction.
Critically Endangered
Meishans are one of the oldest, if not the oldest domesticated pig. They originated in China, and only a select number were exported to North America in the late 1980s and 1990s. Prized for their succulent marbled meat and superior lard. This hyper-productive breed is of medium size. They are inherently docile and live a fairly sedentary lifestyle consequently making them a great option for a small holding.
Registered Red Wattles
Critically Endangered
Red Wattles were once a popular pig in Canada due to their quick growth and excellent meat. Unfortunately, they fell out of favour in the 80-90s, and now very limited bloodlines are available. Originating in the US, their ancestry is thought to be related to the Duroc. They are recognizable by their large fleshy wattles hanging off their jowls. Their meat is commonly said to be reminiscent of beef, with excellent flavour. Adult weights are typically 600-800 pounds; however, they can get to 1200 pounds, 4 feet tall and 8 feet long.
Heritage Hybrid Crosses
Benefits of Multiple Breeds’ Meat Profiles
We occasionally trial mix breeds. Crossing breeds can create hybrid vigour, increasing growth rate. This is an advantage if your only goal is to grow delicious meat as fast as possible. Our hybrids commonly consist of English Large Black, Red Wattle, and Meishan. However, they occasionally include other mixes as well.